October 22, 2024

A Kano State High Court sitting in Bompai has granted a Tiktoker, Murja Ibrahim Kunya, bail in the sum of five hundred thousand Naira, with two reliable sureties.

According to the bail condition, one of the must to be a close relation to the applicant, and the other must be in possession of a landed property with Certificate of Occupancy in Kano.

The presiding judge Justice Nasiru Saminu also ordered the Kano Hospital Management Board and the Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital Dawanau to provide the court with the applicant’s psychiatric evaluation report within seven days.

An upper shariah court had remanded her and ordered a mental evaluation.

The court had declined her bail application in a fundamental rights enforcement suit she instituted.

But Kunya’s counsel, Barrister Yusuf Ali Faragai, applied for her bail at another court, arguing that the alleged offence was bailable.

The counsel requested to know her whereabouts from the defendants to be able to assess her well-being, demanding that the prosecution should bring her before the court.

Joined as defendants in the suit were Kano Attorney General, Kano Hisbah Board and Kano State Shari’ah Court, Kwana Hudu.

The defence counsel, Barrister H. H Suleiman, however, raised objection to the application.

He argued that the suit was an abuse of court process having filed the same application before a state high court.

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